Roy Jr. High Band

May Events

Spring Concert May 13th 6 pm Roy Jr Cafetorium

Awards Banquet May 14th 6 pm Roy Jr Cafetorium

Symphonic Band May 20th during school for closing assembly

March Events

Advanced and Intermediate Band Festival-March 7th at Bonneville High school (students will be bussed to and from location).

Roy Cone Concert-March 10th at Roy High school

Roy Jr. Arts Night-March 20th at Roy Jr. High school

April Events

Symphonic Band - baseball introductions during lunches. April 8th

Solo/Ensemble Festival @ Rocky Mountain April 24th Evening

January Events

Honor band festival-January 23rd at Weber High school

We had  15 students nominated to participate this year!

These students are:

Lily Titensor

Kendrilyn Sualevai

Allen Coleman

Caleb Johnson

Roman Kelley

Daden Estes

Chris Painter

Mason Buckway

Eve Andrus

Khloe Judkins

Abi Haggerty

Ava (Vix) Harris

Porter Busch

Benjamin Schreiner

Brooklyn Sedgwick

February Events

Jazz-da-mentals performance- February 20th at Fremont High school

Beginning Band Festival-February 28th at Fremont High school

Both events are during school, students will be bussed to and from location.